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Barah Bhavana & meaning Visit below link for audio and video: 1. Anitya Bhavna राजा राणा छत्रपति , हाथिन के असवार। मरना सबको एक दिन , अपनी - अपनी बार॥ Hindi Raaja Raana chhatrapati, Hathin ke aswaar. Marna sabko ek din, apni apni baar. Meaning -  All things are momentary in world, Everybody doing the birth and death. It is also nature of Universe. I'm praying to you. 2. Asharan Bhavna दल बल देवी देवता , मात - पिता परिवार। मरती बिरियाँ जीव को , कोऊ न राखन हार॥ Dal-bal devi devta, Maat pita pariwaar. Marti biriyan jeev ko, koi na raakhan haar. Meaning -  Unprotected are the souls of creatures. They are feeling fruitition of Karmas. Any body doesn't help here. I'm praying to you. 3. Sansar Bhavna दाम बिना निर्धन दुखी , तृष्णा वशधनवान। कहूँ न सुख संसार में , सब जग देख्यो छान॥ Daam bina nirdhan dukhi, trishna vash dhanwaan.  Kahun na sukh sansaar main, sab jag dekhyo chhaan. Mean
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Logassa in English with meaning

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Uvasaggaharam Stotra

Uvasaggaharam  Stotra Uvasaggaharam Stotra was composed 2,100 years ago by Shree Bhadrabahu Swami, a very powerful Jain Monk. Another powerful Jain monk was Varahmihir but he could not bear to see his brother getting the Acharya position and getting more respect. Varahmihir became angry with Jains and the Jain religion on the whole.  It is said that Varahmihir after his death became a ‘Vyantar dev’ and started giving Upsarg (pain) to the Jains on earth. His actions born mainly out of jealousy and anger towards his brother Bhadrabahu Swami, brought a lot of ruin to Jains.  At such a difficult time the people approached Bhadrabahu Swami for help. Moved by their plight, Bhadrabahu Swami wrote “Uvasaggaharam” – to pay respect to 23rd tirthankar Bhagwan Parshvanath and seek his help in making all Upsargs vanish (In fact, the literal meaning of Uvasaggaharam is removal (har) of upsurges).  This Stotra evoked demi-gods and they had to come to earth every time somebody read it with